Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Patriatism in Gaul's civitates

The cultivation of a provincial identity is most obvious in the literature composed in Gaul in the fourth century through the early sixth century...--and Sidonius (ca. 430-484)--an aristocrat from Lyon--expressed their deepest feelings not for Rome, or even for Gaul, but for their particular cities. Ausonius sings the praises of his beloved Bordeaux while Sidonius focuses on the Auvergne. Across Gaul, expressions of love for the patria focused not on Rome or even the chimeric "Gaul," beloved of French nationalist historians, but, rather, on Marseille, Narbonne, Trier, Lyon, or other civitates.

- Patrick J. Geary, The Myth of Nations - The Medieval Origins of Europe, 104.

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